"Leaders and staff have high expectations of all pupils. They want the very best for them. Pupils work hard to meet these goals."

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1 Mar
  • Year 3 Round Up

    What a soggy end to the week...and we don't just mean the rain! Today's Flexi Friday was a gloriously messy one. As one of the pupils described in assembly, with a gigantic grin on his face, "it was disgusting!". The children had to work together to build up the base to their own Ancient Egyptian Death Masks, using papier mache.
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  • Reception Classes - Exploring Our New Environment

    The Reception children have settled really well into school. They have been busy exploring their new environment and making new friends!
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  • Year 3 Round Up

    We've had a wonderful start to the year and the children a re already WOWING us with their learning. It's great to watch them settle back into routines so quickly. This term we kick off with the awesome ancient Egyptians. It's always a crowds pleaser - so many of the children have already gone away and began their own research on the topic.
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  • Reception Children - Self Portraits

    The children have been creating their own self-portraits and writing their names to be displayed in the entrance to the EYFS classrooms. How amazing do we all look?!
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  • Year 3 Round Up

    1st Jul 2022 Many people think that school life starts to slow down toward the end of the summer term, but the children of Turves Green can tell you that’s not true! They are still doing their very best with every piece of learning and challenge we set them. This week, we’ve been revisiting and extending our knowledge of perimeter – we noticed how much our measuring skills have improved and we are highly skilled at explaining the reasoning behind our mental calculations. We’ve been playing a game called “Running Total” to help us, all need is a dice or a pack of cards!
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  • Year 3 Round Up

    First and foremost, thank you for a wonderful half term. We feel very lucky to be able to spend time with your children and we loved the opportunity to see so many of you this week to talk about them (at length!). We are now in the build up toward our second piece of writing, where the children will be giving clear and concise instructions for mummification. From what we here, they are quite the experts!
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  • Year 3 Round Up

    Another wonderful week of learning in year 3! Thank you to all the families reading every day, it makes the world of difference. Please remember to help your child access Mathletics every week; it is their required homework and must happen each week. In addition, children have weekly spelling they must learn - we always find ways to use them in their writing.
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