"At Turves Green Primary everyone is valued and included. Pupils say that their school ‘is a special place because no one is an outsider, and no one is left out’. Pupils, parents and staff agree this is a school that is getting better every day."

Latest News

1 Mar
  • Year 5 Week 2

    Even though the wonderful weather made us all feel like summer wasn't quite over, the children have had a glorious start to the 2023-2024 school year. They've settled straight back into the very best learning behaviours and are embracing our school values: READY, RESPECTFUL, SAFE. The Year 5 pupils are excited to get going on their history unit which centres around the Roman invasion of Britain. They will be reading a wide selection of text-extracts based around this theme including Romans on the Rampage and Thieves of Ostia.
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  • Reception Classes - Exploring Our New Environment

    The Reception children have settled really well into school. They have been busy exploring their new environment and making new friends!
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  • Indian Theme Lunch

    Our lovely school kitchen put on an Indian feast yesterday which was enjoyed by all!
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  • Year 3 Round Up Summer2 Week2

    What a scorcher! Thank you for sending children in with sun-cream and hats this week! Please make sure that the they have a water bottle in school every day as well. Thank you to all who were able to attend the class assemblies last week and this week.
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  • School Council Visit to London

    On 18th May, our Year 3-6 school councillors went on a very special trip to London. Our school councillors were also joined by school councillors from Colmers Farm Primary (one of our other schools in our MAT). The children got to experience the Tube in rush hour and also had special guided tours of Westminster Abbey, where our King’s coronation took place, and the Houses of Parliament. Whilst at the Houses of Parliament the children had a special lesson about how laws are made and also had the opportunity to watch the representatives in the House of Lords and the House of Commons debating.
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  • Reception's Trip to Ash End Farm

    Reception really enjoyed their first ever school trip to Ash End House Children's Farm. When we arrived at the farm, we were greeted by a farmer who took us on a tour. We were lucky enough to see lots of different animals and we even got to help the farmers with some of their jobs, such as feeding the animals and collecting a fresh egg to take home. The children enjoyed learning about each of the animals at the farm and singing songs about the animals.
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  • Newsletter 9th June 2023

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  • Reception - Sunflowers

    Reception have been very busy learning about sunflowers! We read the story 'Jasper's Beanstalk, where Jasper is trying to grow a beanstalk. We talked about all of the different things that plants need so that they are able to grow. We then decided to grow our own plant and decided on sunflowers.
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  • Reception - Superheroes

    Over the past few weeks, Reception have been busy designing and making their own superhero accessories, ready to showcase them in a superhero exhibition. In preparation for building their accessories, the children created design sheets, drawing their accessories and labelling the features that they may have. The children had lots of creative ideas, such as freeze buttons, lasers and web shooters, to name a few. Once the designs were complete, it was time to build the superhero accessories.
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  • Year 3 Round Up Summer 1 Week 6

    Thank you for a wonderful half term. The children have earnt their rest - but don't forget, there's always reading and Mathletics to be done! We'd love to hear about the reading the children CHOOSE over the break so please add those to their diaries. We've had another busy Flexi Friday, which saw children learning about seed dispersal.
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