Year 3 Round Up
20 May
First and foremost, thank you for a wonderful half term. We feel very lucky to be able to spend time with your children and we loved the opportunity to see so many of you this week to talk about them (at length!).
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We are now in the build up toward our second piece of writing, where the children will be giving clear and concise instructions for mummification. From what we here, they are quite the experts!
Slowly but surely, we are winning the battle against "renaming"! It can be a complex process, but practise makes perfect.
Have a wonderful break; remember to READ READ READ and get on Mathletics! For the first week back, 3E will have PE on Tuesday and Thursday while 3D will have PE on Wednesday and Thursday. Check their reading diaries for dates and the latest spelling list.
We'd also love to see some amazing half term Egyptian creations - check out the topic letters for ideas.
We look forward to seeing you bright and spooky on Monday 31st October.
Questions to ask this week:
*Why were Carter and Sadie so suspicious of their dad?
*Show me how to subtract 387 from 728.
*Sing me your Harvest song, loud and proud!