"Pupils behave really well in class, around school and at playtimes. Positive and caring relationships have created an environment where pupils are kept safe and feel safe. Leaders, staff and pupils work hard to make sure that pupils are ready for life"

Year 5 Round Up Spring 2 Week 2

12 Apr

Summer term is quite a bit longer than Spring, but the days promise to hold so much light and warmth!

This week, we have gotten straight back into the swing of things with ANGLE MEASURING! It can be a bit fiddly but the children have already made excellent progress. To be as accurate as possible, some of us matched the baseline to one of the angle lines and then shifted the whole protractor, so that the origin point matched the angle vertex; while others did it in the opposite order. It all depends on personal choice - whichever is most effective for you!

In writing, we have begun our science fiction journey to run alongside our science this term. We discovered there are 6 elements we'd expect find: new/advanced technology, relatable characters, unfamiliar settings, space/aliens, a "What if...?" question and/or themes about being human (but a good sci fi story doesn't need them all). We look forward to learning about rockets, space, planets and explorers as the months progress.

Questions to ask this week:

*What do you think the shiny, black pebble (that Tom and Jez found in their pockets) will do?

*What is the purpose of a narrative?

*What is the difference between an obtuse angle and a reflex angle?