"Leaders and staff have high expectations of all pupils. They want the very best for them. Pupils work hard to meet these goals."

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1 Mar
  • Reception - The Three Little Pigs

    Over the past two weeks, Reception have been very busy learning about the traditional tale, The Three Little Pigs. We started by learning the story and retelling it together using a story map. The children have been amazing at retelling the story and have enjoyed acting it out using puppets and masks. After learning the story, we decided to help the pigs by designing a brand new house for them to live in.
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  • Year 3 Round Up

    Thursday's PE was a break from the norm. We had a coach from Warwickshire Cricket Board running us through our wicket keeping and batting skills. Many of us used muscles we don't think we'd used before! It was a whole load of FUN!
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  • Cricket Superstars!

    Our Year 3 and Year 6 children have had a great time learning some fabulous Cricket skills today with Luke from Warwickshire Cricket Board and Mr Latham.  
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  • Year 1 - Ball Skills

    1FG had such fun in PE learning new ball skills.
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  • Year 3 Round Up

    Some children may be bringing home a new "ear worm"! This week, we introduced them to Kylie Minogue's version of The Locomotion. As part of our build up to the grand TG Jubilee, we have begun learning a mini routine to this track. Not surprisingly, many of them are already better at it than Mrs Evans and Mrs Jones...it was so much fun learning it with them in the hall.
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  • Year 3 Round Up

    This week we have been well and truly getting “stuck into” our geography topic. Using our maps we have been exploring the physical features of Europe. We were surprised that the River Danube flowed through so many countries. We were already familiar with the Alps as we knew it crossed the border between Northern Italy and Southern Switzerland.
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  • Year 3 Round Up

    ¡Hace mucho calor hoy! As part of our geography topic, we read about an artist called Claude Monet, who was born in France in 1840. We decided to learn more about the art he produced using quick brush strokes, unblended colour and light. Today, we explored some of his most famous paintings - some fab discussion about the art made us feel, which colours were most dominant and that they had a common theme of outdoors and water!
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  • Year 3 Round Up

    “What have you done today to make you feeeeeeeeel proud?!” “I was so happy I managed to travel skipping. I hadn’t done that well before” – Poppy-Jayne “Normally, I think I’m not that great at sport so I was proud to get the award” – Shadab “The people I was up against on the final are really fast. I was so proud of how well I did!” – Marius “My dedication at football paid off. I was really good at the dribbling relay” – Jaiden “Winning a medal was a lovely, unexpected surprise” – Kellen “I used my skills from football club outside of school, to scan ahead of me when I was dribbling” – Poppy We had an amazing day on Tuesday in our Sports Day.
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  • Year 3 Round Up

    We have had a wonderful end to this half term. Thank you to all the children for their effort and enthusiasm during the Jubilee build up and celebrations. They put a huge smile on every adult's face this afternoon! The Year 3 teachers would like to remind you all to stay safe, read something good, play games (outside or on a board...not just on an electronic device) and be the person that makes someone else's day.
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  • Year 3 Round Up

    We love a Flexi Friday! Today we began by publishing our amazing mummification instructions then we had our second Let's Think English lesson. We really enjoy these as we get to read and watch different stories, following up with great conversations about what we've seen. Each week, we make choices and form opinions, and we get to share these with our friends.
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