"At Turves Green Primary everyone is valued and included. Pupils say that their school ‘is a special place because no one is an outsider, and no one is left out’. Pupils, parents and staff agree this is a school that is getting better every day."

Our Staff


Mr Williams


Head of School

Mrs Grace Harker-Daniels

Mrs Anna Trigg


Assistant Headteacher

Miss Leanne Foster-Clee


SENDCO & Inclusion Lead

Miss Laura Allden


Pastoral Manager

Mrs Lyn Belcher



Miss Laura Belcher

Miss Lamorna Conlon

Mr William Cooke

Mrs Abigail Coyle

Mrs Karen Craven

Miss Amy Evan’s

Mrs Jamie Evans

Mrs Donna Flello-Watkins 

Miss Leanne Foster-Clee

Miss Paige Friar

Mr Jon-Paul Millington

Miss Yasmin Powell

Miss Nicola Smith

Mrs Carly Spruce

Mrs Sarah Wilkins


Teaching Assistants

Miss Emily Butlin 

Mrs Margaret Cave

Mrs Lesley Fellows-Campbell

Ms Elizabeth Clark

Mrs Rachel Elcock

Mrs Karen Hall

Miss Jayne Pritchard

Miss Susan Wincott

Mrs Lani Haywood Higher Level Teaching Assistant

Mrs Rachel Taylor Higher Level Teaching Assistant


Learning Mentors

Miss Tracey Johnson

Miss Sinead Coombes


Sports Coach

Mr Adam Nesbitt


Office Staff

Miss Kerry Taylor Office Manager

Vacancy -  Receptionist/Administrator


Site Manager

Mr Tim Caudle


Lunchtime Supervisors

Mrs Jaqueline Evans Senior Lunchtime Supervisor

Mrs Tracey Bates

Mrs Joey Chan

Mrs Sharon Delaney

Mrs Jannatul Ferdous

Ms Shannon Furlong

Mrs Karen Hall

Mrs Jayne Jacobs

Miss Hannah Lyth

Miss Samantha Markland

Ms Hayley Stevens

Ms Kelly Spencer