"At Turves Green Primary everyone is valued and included. Pupils say that their school ‘is a special place because no one is an outsider, and no one is left out’. Pupils, parents and staff agree this is a school that is getting better every day."

Ethos and Values

We aim through our school values for all to learn and achieve to an outstanding level in a safe and happy environment.

At Turves Green Primary School we strive to ensure that all children, staff and visitors feel like insiders - there are no outsiders at our school. Everyone belongs here and is made to feel welcome. 

We achieve this through our values, be 

  • Respectful
  • Ready
  • Safe

Alongside Excelsior’s Cornerstones of School Development 

  • Succeeding together
  • Ensuring quality for all
  • Engaging learning
  • Aspiring from the start

Ofsted recognised this in its most recent visit: 

“What is it like to attend this school?  

At Turves Green Primary everyone is valued and included. Pupils say that their school ‘is a special place because no one is an outsider, and no one is left out’. Pupils, parents and staff agree this is a school that is getting better every day.  

Leaders and staff have high expectations of all pupils. They want the very best for them. Pupils work hard to meet these goals. Pupils behave really well in class, around school and at playtimes. Positive and caring relationships have created an environment where pupils are kept safe and feel safe. Leaders, staff and pupils work hard to make sure that pupils are ready for life in modern Britain.  

Exciting assemblies and creative opportunities enthuse the pupils and help to broaden their outlook on life. Pupils work hard to support each other. They take on responsibilities such as school councillors or internet safety advisers. This provides them with opportunities to make a difference to their school and community.  

Pupils have a good understanding of what bullying is and the impact it can have on other pupils. Leaders investigate any incidents of bullying and act when needed.”