"Leaders and staff have high expectations of all pupils. They want the very best for them. Pupils work hard to meet these goals."

Year 2

Welcome to the Year 2 page. The teaching staff in Year 2 are Miss Coyle (2C) and Mrs Watkins (2W). 


Over the coming term we will focus on the value of each digit in a two-digit number and how they can be made in lots of different ways for example 72 is 70 and 2, 72 is 50 and 22 and 72 is 42 and 30. We will then use this knowledge when adding and subtracting within 100. Please support your child by ensuring they can read and write two-digit numbers. 

Here are some useful websites to support your child with their Maths learning:

Hit the Button

TopMarks maths game



In English we will continue to follow the RWI program to develop fluency and comprehension skills in reading. It is vital that your child reads at home every day. The children will be asked to re-read their books to develop word recognition and fluency.

The children will use the RWI book as a stimulus for writing ensuring that all sentences are punctuated correctly. We will develop the use of adjectives to describe the characters and the setting. 


Our Topic this term is the Great Fire of London. We will explore how the fire the started, how it spread and how it was eventually put out. As part of this topic we will be visiting Aston Hall to take part in a workshop all about the fire. 

At the end of this topic parents will be invited to our exhibition where we will showcase all our fabulous learning. 


Please ensure that your child has their PE kit in school at all times.