"Exciting assemblies and creative opportunities enthuse the pupils and help to broaden their outlook on life. Pupils work hard to support each other."

Year 5 Round Up Autumn1 Week3

We've had the most fantastic start to our year.  The children have returned with their very best selves - Ready, Respectful and Safe! They've welcomed new starters (pupils and staff) with their usual joy and friendliness. We could not be more proud of them.

Luckily, we get to start the year off with an awesome topic...ROMANS! The children have already explored how the Roman Empire spread its way across Europe, what life was like for Britons before they invaded and who some of the key leaders were. They were even able to apply their geography learning from years 3 and 4, by explaining where and how the Roman legions conquered a range of countries. 

To ensure a solid foundation in maths, the children have been looking at place value of numbers up to one million - they've named, written (numerals and words), represented, ordered and sequenced 6-digit numbers.

We've just begun planning our Celt warrior diary, by organising the chronology of events. Next week, we will add the language needed to create the "vibe" and emotions.


Please remember that both classes have PE every Tuesday, and need to come to school wearing the correct kit (plain white t-shirt, black shorts or trousers) and trainers.

Children are expected to read daily, learn spellings and complete at least 30 minutes of Mathletics each week. Their log in details are in the reading diaries, along with the spellings for this half term.


Questions to ask this weekend:

*Why are conjunctions of time used in recounts?

*How do you write 532 089 in words; can you represent it in two other ways?

*Who led the "failed" invasions of Briton?
*In your opinion, why is Emperor Nero so famous?

*Why are the tyres on our car/bus made of rubber?