"Exciting assemblies and creative opportunities enthuse the pupils and help to broaden their outlook on life. Pupils work hard to support each other."

Year 5 Autumn Week 4

We've completed 4 weeks of learning and the children have been blowing us away! Their understanding of place value of numbers up to 1 million was great, as a result they could round the numbers to a variety of different places and explain their understanding. The pupils have no moved onto addition with renaming before they move onto subtraction.

In English and Reading, we've found, discussed and practised a variety of ways to create the mood and imagery for the reader. The children had very distinct opinions on authors' language choices and how effective they were. Next week, we will use all of these word, sentence and punctuation skills to create our own recount - a diary for a Roman soldier invading Britannica!

Year 5 is full of historians and we've loved the discussions around leaders from Ancient Rome. There were some controversial ideas about which Emperor was the most effective (hint: some children thought Nero was strong but just a bit wild).

Remember to read and record in the diaries each week and spend at least 45 minutes on Mathletics (we really want to claim the glory in Well Done assembly next week).

Questions to ask your child this weekend:

*How do you know whether a number should round up to the next number or down to the previous number?

*Which Roman Emperor do you think was the best and why?

*How do adverbials help your reader?

*Why is glass used for car windscreens?