"Pupils behave really well in class, around school and at playtimes. Positive and caring relationships have created an environment where pupils are kept safe and feel safe. Leaders, staff and pupils work hard to make sure that pupils are ready for life"

Year 3 - SUCCESS

Our school focus recently has been SUCCESS and the feelings it brings with it. For our pupils in Year 3 we've had an abundance of successes:

:) My spelling score went up with week (huge smile)

:) I shared my story with teacher in different year groups and got a round of applause (blushing but grinning)

:) My Birmingham cityscape looks really cool, look at how I made that curved shape (waving hands)

:) I played a weird game like football but not football. It was so much fun! (bouncing)

Success can look different for everyone but, in the words of Heather Small (M-People) it makes us feeeeeeeel prooouuud!

Questions to ask this weekend

*What is a cityscape?

*What makes a painting interesting to you?

*Which landmark in Birmingham looks the most interesting and why?!

*How are 6kg 200g and 5kg 1200g equivalent?

*When you start writing your own adventure story next week, what will happen to the two main characters?