"Leaders and staff have high expectations of all pupils. They want the very best for them. Pupils work hard to meet these goals."

Year 3 Round Up Summer 1 Week 6

Thank you for a wonderful half term. The children have earnt their rest - but don't forget, there's always reading and Mathletics to be done! We'd love to hear about the reading the children CHOOSE over the break so please add those to their diaries.

We've had another busy Flexi Friday, which saw children learning about seed dispersal. Parent plants need to spread their seeds using: hitch a ride, eat & excrete, water, wind and explosion. The children learnt that this happens so new plants have access to space, sunlight and nutrients. With their new found knowledge, they created educational information posters and designed a new seed using a "pick n mix" of seed dispersal methods.

Alongside this creative science, they prepared their own broad bean seed - we can't wait to see what happens!

Questions to ask this week
*What will happen in the warning story you'll write in June?

*What maths do you use when comparing two numbers (add, subtract, multiply or divide)?

*Which 2 methods of seed dispersal need animals?

*Design a science experiment involving: water, food colouring and pale flowers (wth their stems attached).