"At Turves Green Primary everyone is valued and included. Pupils say that their school ‘is a special place because no one is an outsider, and no one is left out’. Pupils, parents and staff agree this is a school that is getting better every day."

Year 3 Round Up

30 Sep

What a soggy end to the week...and we don't just mean the rain!  

Today's Flexi Friday was a gloriously messy one. As one of the pupils described in assembly, with a gigantic grin on his face, "it was disgusting!".

The children had to work together to build up the base to their own Ancient Egyptian Death Masks, 

using papier mache. We were very impressed with their precision and the care that they took to ensure there were minimal gaps and bubbles. Everyone is looking forward to adding the detail later in October.

This week, the children have also been able put the pink headphones back on to dive into the imaginary worlds created by NowPressPlay. They explored feelings of people involved in disagreements and how they can find solutions.