"Exciting assemblies and creative opportunities enthuse the pupils and help to broaden their outlook on life. Pupils work hard to support each other."

Year 3 Round Up

4 Nov

Some children may be bringing home a new "ear worm"! This week, we introduced them to Kylie Minogue's version of The Locomotion. As part of our build up to the grand TG Jubilee, we have begun learning a mini routine to this track. Not surprisingly, many of them are already better at it than Mrs Evans and Mrs Jones...it was so much fun learning it with them in the hall.

We have also begun our new geography topic. We will be taking a journey through Europe over the next few weeks, during which children will learn about the natural features of countries such as France and Sweden. This is always a fantastic opportunity for individual children to become experts and teach us all amazing facts. Maps, atlases and Google Earth are a great jumping off point. Today, pairs used two child-friendly webistes, kiddle and ducksters, to research specific countries and create fact baubles.

Questions to ask this weekend:

*What is the terrain like in southern Switzerland and northern Italy?

*Which direction would you travel if you went from Finland to Spain?

*Which European country would you like to know more about?

*Which is larger, two thirds or two eighths? Can you prove this?

*What happens to the main characters in your new warning story?