"Pupils behave really well in class, around school and at playtimes. Positive and caring relationships have created an environment where pupils are kept safe and feel safe. Leaders, staff and pupils work hard to make sure that pupils are ready for life"

Year 3 Round Up

4 Nov

¡Hace mucho calor hoy!

As part of our geography topic, we read about an artist called Claude Monet, who was born in France in 1840. We decided to learn more about the art he produced using quick brush strokes, unblended colour and light. Today, we explored some of his most famous paintings - some fab discussion about the art made us feel, which colours were most dominant and that they had a common theme of outdoors and water!  After that, we sketched our favourites and practised colour mixing to create secondary and tertiary colours. This is all in preparation for our next Flexi Friday...!

Excitingly, we received a retweet and response off the authors of our new novel study (Danger at Deadman's Pass) - Sam Sedgeman and MG Leonard! They loved our Eurostar posters!

Things to do this weekend:

*Find out more about Claude Monet; which painting is your favourite and why?

*Have a go at sketching some outdoor scenes.

*Research the Channel Tunnel and different ways to travel to France.

Next Tuesday is Sports Day for the whole school. Please come to school wearing your PE kit!

This event will just be for the children.