"Leaders and staff have high expectations of all pupils. They want the very best for them. Pupils work hard to meet these goals."

Year 3 Round Up

4 Nov

“What have you done today to make you feeeeeeeeel proud?!”

“I was so happy I managed to travel skipping. I hadn’t done that well before” – Poppy-Jayne

“Normally, I think I’m not that great at sport so I was proud to get the award” – Shadab

“The people I was up against on the final are really fast. I was so proud of how well I did!” – Marius

“My dedication at football paid off. I was really good at the dribbling relay” – Jaiden

“Winning a medal was a lovely, unexpected surprise” – Kellen

“I used my skills from football club outside of school, to scan ahead of me when I was dribbling” – Poppy

We had an amazing day on Tuesday in our Sports Day. Despite the heat, we tried our best at a massive range of sports; from water relays to skipping to basketball shoot outs. Every one of us were surprised by something we managed to accomplish. We’re sure our teachers could be heard cheering across the city!

We are now preparing to write our own information reports about a European country. In geography, we have learnt about Spain, Germany and Sweden so most of us are choosing one of these. However, some of us are incredibly knowledgeable about other countries in Europe such as Greece and Romania! We might include sections on: things to see and do, climate, population and people or physical features, where in the world.

We have now reached chapter 5 in "Danger at Dead Man's Pass" and the drama is increasing! This week's focus was the baron - a mysterious character who has involved Hal and Uncle Nat in an intriguing new case. We can't quite make up our mind about him yet....we can't wait to find out what happens when they reach Germany!

In maths, we've been using some new words to describe lines - perpendicular and parallel. We had to find them in shapes and in the rooms around us, before proving it to our classes. To end the week, we revisited problem solving with subtraction and, yet again, we had to explain and justify our methods as we went along.

It is amazing to see how much the children have developed over Year 3, and how much their mathematical confidence has grown!

Questions to ask

*Which Disney hero challenge card shall we do today?

*Which country have you chosen to write about and why?

*How would you calculate 234 - 58 = ?