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School Parliament's Visit to London

21 Sep

As part of being elected to their new role, our school councillors had a special visit to London. Each year at Turves Green Primary School, this visit occurs. It is always a very early start and is a very long day, but it is always an amazing visit. This year we joined on this trip by the school parliaments from Colmers Farm Primary School and Green Meadow (two school's from our Multi-Academy Trust)

The purpose of this trip is to teach the children about democracy and their role as school councillors/parliamentarians. The main part of this visit is a tour of the Houses of Parliament and a lesson about democracy in the Houses of Parliament education department. This year's tour was particularly special, as the MPs were on a break. This meant that we were able to go into the House of Commons and the House of Lords where the MPs and Lords debate. Our lesson this year focused on how bills are created and how they become law. 

Whilst in London, we also took the opportunity to visit other famous landmarks. This year we visited Buckingham Palace, St James Park, Downing Street and Horse Guards Parade. We also had a special tour of Westminster Abbey and a lesson there about how the Abbey had developed over time and the role it played in the development of the Houses of Parliament.

Thank you to everybody we met during our London adventure, in particular the staff at the Houses of Parliament, Westminster Abbey and the police officers at Downing Street. You all truly made our visit as special as it could be. 

The children throughly enjoyed this visit and they were great ambassadors for their schools. It was wonderful how the children all interacted and looked after one another. One example of this was when one child put their coat over another child (from a different school) when they fell asleep on the train journey home! That was just delightful! Well done everybody you were fantastic from start to finish! 

We hope that you enjoy watching the video below which shows the photos from our visit.