"Exciting assemblies and creative opportunities enthuse the pupils and help to broaden their outlook on life. Pupils work hard to support each other."

School Council Visit to London

On 18th May, our Year 3-6 school councillors went on a very special trip to London. Our school councillors were also joined by school councillors from Colmers Farm Primary (one of our other schools in our MAT). The children got to experience the Tube in rush hour and also had special guided tours of Westminster Abbey, where our King’s coronation took place, and the Houses of Parliament. Whilst at the Houses of Parliament the children had a special lesson about how laws are made and also had the opportunity to watch the representatives in the House of Lords and the House of Commons debating.

The children also had the opportunity to see many other London landmarks during the visit, including Horse Guards Parade, Buckingham Palace, the Cenotaph, Nelson’s Column and the Millennium Eye and even got special permission to visit the front of Downing Street. It was a very long day, but it was enjoyed by all and is definitely one to remember!