"Leaders and staff have high expectations of all pupils. They want the very best for them. Pupils work hard to meet these goals."

Reception - The Gingerbread Man

Over the past few weeks, Reception have been learning the story 'The Gingerbread Man'. We created our own story maps and used these to help us to retell the story. 

We decided to decorate our own gingerbread men using a variety of tasty sweets. However, we were very disappointed when we came to eat our gingerbread men and found that the biscuit tin was empty! We were shocked to find a video of the gingerbread men running away and decided that we needed to catch them. We made our own wanted posters and displayed them around school in case anyone had seen them. We also thought carefully about how we would catch them and built some traps in the outdoor area. 

Luckily, Mrs Holland noticed our posters and was able to return our gingerbread men after catching them in her office. They were delicious!