"Leaders and staff have high expectations of all pupils. They want the very best for them. Pupils work hard to meet these goals."

Year 3 Round Up Spring 2 Week 6

All the children's hard work on their number fluency is paying off...now that we are moving on to the topic of money. Mrs Evans always says that her favourite maths learning is around time, fractions and money as she can really "see the point of it!". Different children have had the chance to shine already as their understanding of money feels relevant to their daily lives. Children investigated different ways to make totals using a limited number of coins. 

This week's Flexi Friday saw them all become performers and share a fantastic poem in assembly, called "Alligator Pie" by Dennis Lee. They then went on to write their own animal pie poem, which they will hopefully be able to share with you this weekend. It was wonderful to see so many "quieter" children desperate to perform their own work and be so confident in front of the rest of Key Stage 2.