"Exciting assemblies and creative opportunities enthuse the pupils and help to broaden their outlook on life. Pupils work hard to support each other."

Year 5 Round Up Summer 2 Week 2

14 Jun

We've had another busy week in Year 5! Alongside rehearsals for our Key Stage 2 production of "Wizard of Oz", the pupils in 5E and 5M were finally able to make their flavoured bread! 

They thoroughly enjoyed kneading the dough and adding their additional flavours - there were some interesting combos! Cheese and apple is a new favourite for some, while many ran the chilli gauntlet! Each child designed a prototype box for their mini loaf before completing the final product. The children, quite rightly, pointed out that:

a) The dough had risen so much, the boxes were actually too small.

b) Although our boxes may be more environmentally friendly, they would be no match against the rain nor would they be air tight.

As an Excelsior Trust school, we are fortunate to have access to teachers who are experts in their field. We invited a member of the Hub staff, Mr Evans, in to begin a new computing module. The children are using an online tool to design their own 3D Art Gallery. We're really looking forward to seeing the final results!


Things to ask this weekend:

*What could Scarecrow do "if he only had a brain"?

*How are area and perimeter different?

*How would you calculate the missing side on a rectangle that has: a total perimeter of 28cm and one side which is 10cm in length?

*Share 2 facts about Tim Peake.