"Pupils behave really well in class, around school and at playtimes. Positive and caring relationships have created an environment where pupils are kept safe and feel safe. Leaders, staff and pupils work hard to make sure that pupils are ready for life"

School Meals

Turves Green Primary School works with Coombs Catering to provide good value, nutritionally based school meals. As a healthy school we actively encourage good quality nutrition and children have a variety of choices of vegetables, salad and fruit each day. Menus are on a three week rota. Please see our current menus below:


  • Dinners cost £3.00 per day (£15.00 a week) for Key Stage 2 children.  
  • School meals must be paid for in advance using Arbor.
  • Dinners are free for all children in Reception and Key Stage 1 as of September 2014.

Dinner money needs to be paid in advance on Arbor each week, although some parents choose to pay in advance for each half term. 

Our school meal system is fully automated so parents and carers must advise the school office if there are any changes to their child's lunch preference.

We also encourage healthy choices for children bringing packed lunches from home. Packed lunches need to include:

  • Something substantial (such as a sandwich, crackers or some pasta).
  • Some vegetables or fresh fruit.
  • A small dessert (such as a cake bar or biscuit).
  • A drink (water or fruit juice).


Please read our Healthy Eating Leaflet below, or contact the school office for more advice or information.

Healthy Eating Leaflet

Free School Meals

Could your child be eligible for Free School Meals? 

It is quick and easy to find out if your child is eligible for Free School Meals. We would encourage all parents and carers to apply online to check eligibility. The online checking service will instantly advise you if your child is eligible to receive free school meals. In addition, for every child entitled to free school meals we will also receive additional funding (Pupil Premium) from the Government which we use to use support teaching & learning. 

How do I apply?

Simply apply online at www.cloudforedu.org.uk/ofsm/birmingham/

You will need your national insurance number or national asylum support service reference number & your child’s date of birth.

If you are unable to access the internet, an application can be made by school. If you would like school to apply on your behalf or if you need any further support or assistance in completing your application, please contact enquiry@turvesgreen.excelsiormat.org or speak to Miss Taylor on 0121 464 3686.